Huntsman Cancer Institute

The Peterson Family stands in front of boxes that are going to be donated.The Peterson Family stands in front of boxes that are going to be donated.
The Peterson Family Stands in a hospital next to a US Veteran.

Saranoni Cares is Saranoni’s newest mission to bring comfort and friendship to individuals on a local scale. After our own family’s life changing experience of cancer, loss, (and the community that rallied around us), we committed to do more. 

Months before Nathan’s Glioblastoma diagnosis, he enthusiastically initiated a program he called “Saranoni Cares”.  He planned to  purchase and set aside thousands of dollars worth of our luxury blankets. After humanitarian work across seas, these blankets were meant to find a home a little closer to home with the people in our own community. Our first partnership was to be with Huntsman Cancer Institute. The arrangements were made and the blankets arrived in fall of 2021, months before Nathan’s sudden diagnosis of terminal brain cancer.

Emily gives a hug to a veteran at a hospital.

The following weeks leading up to Nathan’s passing were both a blur and impermeably life changing. We were overwhelmed and incredibly grateful for the loving support of our community. Nathan, amid his treatments and declining physical ability, joked that, “we need to step up our game!” After his passing, the Saranoni Cares initiative is our commitment to do exactly that. Per our original plans, we returned to Huntsman Cancer in May of 2023, without Nathan but with full hearts, (and a U-Haul full of blankets!) We can’t wait to continue this tradition annually in our community.

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The cost for an expectant woman to travel by moped to the hospital to give birth in sanitary conditions with medical supervision is $30. Despite this, it’s an unaffordable option for most Cambodian women.

The alternative for these young mothers is usually giving birth alone, unassisted in a rice field. This phenomenon has resulted in an infant mortality rate 10x higher than the United States. As parents ourselves, those were numbers that we couldn’t live with.

Nathan stands next to a Cambodian family in front of their home.Nathan stands next to a Cambodian family in front of their home.

We partnered with Vision Cambodia to create a blanket designed specifically to fund Vision Cambodia’s Fund a Baby Birth program. We settled on a double layer Bamboni blanket called “Khmer” (pronounced Kahm-mai) and meaning “Cambodia”.

A portion of every Khmer blanket purchased goes directly towards funding a safe, hygienic and comfortable birth for a deserving mother in Cambodia. Learn more about Vision Cambodia’s mission and their other initiatives by visiting



An african man teaches a group of young children wearing matching shirts.

Sending your little one to kindergarten may be a teary goodbye, but it’s also a privilege not all parents enjoy. Similar to our work with Vision Cambodia, Well Africa is an initiative to bring better education, opportunity and a safe space to the deserving children of West Africa.

We believe that a safe childhood, the opportunity to learn without being exposed to the too-common alternative of child slavery is a human right. We created the Mudcloth blanket, a double layer Bamboni blanket, to give kids a chance at the childhood they deserve! The Mudcloth blanket is patterned with A portion of every Mudcloth purchase goes directly towards funding school lunches, the construction of schools and the education of children.

A man stands for a picture with some villagers from an African Villiage.A man stands for a picture with some villagers from an African Villiage.


We were privileged to partner with The Nova Relief Center in 2019 to provide blankets for warmth and comfort to Syrian refugees forced to leave their homes and start over without the comforts from home. Saranoni Blankets was able to donate hundreds of blankets as well as community donated coats as part of a Christmas “Light The World” Christian campaign.

The opportunity to provide families with a small piece of comfort and safety in such a tumultuous time was one we’ll always be grateful for. We look forward to future opportunities to provide comfort to families and children working to build a new home and sense of community in a new place.
